Floor Trends Magazine: Vol. 13, № 11 (November 2011)

 Volume: 13 |  Issue: 11 |  Download

On The Cover:
An installation of Caesar's More large-format porcelain tile at Brocade Communications' 560,000 sq. ft. campus in San Jose, Calif. Architect/designer: Robbin McDonald, Mindi Weichman, Karen Letteney and Darryl Jackson (RMW architecture & interiors). Contractor: DeAnza Tile and Reputable Tile. Distributor: Helena Jausas, SpecCeramics Inc. of San Francisco. Photo by Bernard Andre, courtesy of Ceramics of Italy.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 43, № 1 (What to Test For When You Don't Know What To Test For)

 Volume: 43 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

Having problems with flooring materials, sundries and substrates is an everyday occurrence. Some problems are easy to determine but others may be more complex than a simple cursory observation will reveal. For almost every problem that exists, with any flooring material, there is a test which will determine if who's being exhibited is a defect in the product or caused by some other influence. Sometimes it may be that a test will reveal the wrong product was used for a particular application or that, believe it or not, a product was incorrectly pulled and shipped. How are you to know?