Stone World Magazine: Vol. 34, № 4 (April 2017)

 Volume: 34 |  Issue: 4 |  Download

On the Cover:

As part of their trip to Xiamen, the delegation from MIA+BSI spent a day touring several stone processing plants belonging to leading Chinese stone producers. All the factories were busy with activity — working on large custom stone projects. Among the companies visited was Jianming Stone Group, whose work is featured on this month’s cover of Stone World. Read about the Xiamen Stone Fair, beginning on page 72, and look for more on the MIA+BSI factory tour, as well as a full Report from China, in the June edition.

Photo by Jennifer Richinelli

The Flooring Contractor: Vol. 12, № 3 (Spring 2017)

 Volume: 12 |  Issue: 3 |  Download

This 200,000 square foot Brass Mills Mall in Waterbury, Connecticut incorporates eight custom-accent areas, each over 800sf of Thru-Body Porcelain Tile cut entirely with waterjet technology. The entire project is a showcase of waterjet's ability to work with all types of materials, including, ceramic, glazed, through-body, porcelain, and the latest large format panels and tiles. All materials are easily fabricated, inlaid, and patterned. Durable, cleanable, and colorful ceramics are favorites of designers. Waterjet fabrication makes these materials more versatile and beautiful than ever before. – Photo provided by Creative Edge Mastershop, Fairfield, Iowa.

Stone World Magazine: Vol. 34, № 3 (March 2017)

 Volume: 34 |  Issue: 3 |  Download

On the Cover:

To create the "wow factor" the homeowner of a private residence in Tampa, FL, desired for his outdoor living space, Arctic White stacked stone from M S International, Inc. (MSI) was used for the walls in the entertainment section, pool area and kitchen. For the majority of the flooring, the walls of the pool and three wall elements, a Turkish silver travertine paver was chosen in square- and rectangular-shaped sizes, which was supplied by Harmony Stone, Inc. in Tampa, FL. Design by Ryan Hughes Design/Build, Tampa, FL.

Photo by Joe Traina. Read more about the residential design beginning on page 94